Biographies of the authors

Read the profile of the 3 authors behind this project: Clémence Perronnet, Claire Marc et Olga Paris-Romaskevich.

©Claire MARC, Clémence Perronnet et Olga Paris-Romaskevich, tiré de l'ouvrage "Matheuses. Les filles, avenir des mathématiques", CNRS Éditions

Clémence Perronnet

PhD in sociology, member of the Centre Max Weber laboratory and researcher at Agence Phare, Clémence Perronnet specializes in the sociology of culture, education, science and gender. Her research explores the links between social inequalities and the construction of taste, practices and commitments to science. In 2021, she published La bosse des maths n'existe pas. Rétablir l'égalité des chances dans les matières scientifiques (Autrement).

Claire Marc

With a Master's degree in oceanography and a Master's in scientific mediation, Claire Marc realized that there was a huge gap between scientists and the general public. So she set up her own scientific communications agency, Méduse Communication, to help people reclaim the sciences for themselves. How do we do this? By supporting science professionals in communicating their work to the general public. She is the co-author of Tout comprendre (ou presque) sur le climat, winner of the 2023 CNRS Medal for Scientific Mediation.

Olga Paris-Romaskevich

Olga Paris-Romaskevich is a mathematics researcher at CNRS, specializing in dynamic systems. Member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, she helped organize the Les Cigales course from 2020 to 2023, where she launched the idea for a sociological survey that led to the book Matheuses. Co-founder of the Mathématiques Vagabondes association, she is deeply involved in science mediation, particularly through film. In particular, she took part in writing the series Voyages au pays des maths and La Grande Aventure des maths, and has been running a science film club in Lyon since 2018.