A second National Plan for Open Science is published


The second national plan for open science has been published. It contains 12 measures divided into four axes:

  •     generalizing open access to publications ;
  •     structuring, sharing and opening research data
  •     opening and promoting the source codes produced by research;
  •     transforming practices to make open science the default principle.


First axis: generalizing open access to publications

  1.     Generalize the obligation to publish in open access articles and books resulting from publicly funded research projects.
  2.     Support open access publishing business models with no publication fees for authors ("diamond" model).
  3.     Promote multilingualism and the circulation of scientific knowledge through the translation of publications by French researchers.

Second axis: structuring, sharing and opening research data

  1.     Implement the obligation to disseminate publicly funded research data.
  2.     Create Recherche Data Gouv, the federated national platform for research data.
  3.     Promote the adoption of a full-cycle data policy for research data, making it easy to find, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).

Third axis: open and promote source codes produced by research

  1.     Promote and support the distribution of source code from publicly funded research under an open license
  2.     Promote the production of source code in higher education, research and innovation
  3.     Define and promote an open source software policy

Fourth axis: transform practices to make open science the default principle

  1.     Develop and enhance open science skills throughout the careers of students and research staff
  2.     Valuing open science and the diversity of scientific productions in the evaluation of researchers and teacher-researchers, projects and research institutions
  3.     Triple the budget for open science by using the National Fund for Open Science and the Future Investment Program.

These measures are an opportunity to recall that preprints can be deposited on Hal, which can also host texts published six months after publication, and that the Centre Mersenne for open scientific publishing, with the support of Insmi and UGA, hosts mathematical journals, all following the diamond publication model (no charge to publish, no charge to read).