© Cyril Frésillon/CNRS Photothèque

Christophe Besse

A Professor since 2005, Christophe Besse first held a position at the University of Lille 1, then at the University of Toulouse 3 from 2013.

A specialist in partial differential equations and numerical analysis, he was first interested in the study of numerical schemes for dispersive equations of the nonlinear Schrödinger type before directing his research activities towards the development of relevant boundary conditions for this type of equations and their application to domain decomposition methods. He was also interested in modeling in relation to plasma physics problems before turning more recently to other topics such as the effect of sublinear damping on conservation laws, the scientific visualization of data from high-order simulations or the computation of solutions related to quantum graphs or the propagation of epidemics on metric graphs. He has recently been invited to the Beijing Computational Science Research Center (China), to Harbin University (China) and to the University of Singapore.

Christophe Besse was Director of the Paul Painlevé Laboratory from January 2010 to August 2013 and then Director of the LabEx "Centre international de mathématiques et d'informatique de Toulouse" (Cimi) from April 2014 to March 2021. He was elected to the scientific council of Insmi in 2019 after being elected member of section 26 of the National Council of Universities from 2015 to 2019. Finally, he chaired the scientific evaluation committee "Mathematics and Computer Science" of the National Research Agency in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

He was appointed Director of the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences and their Interactions (INSMI) by CNRS Chairman and CEO Antoine Petit on August 28, 2021.