ERC Advanced Grant 2023: French laureates in mathematics

International Distinctions

The European Research Council (ERC) has just announced the results of its "ERC Advanced Grant 2023" call for established researchers. In mathematics, five French projects have been rewarded.

The ERC Advanced Grants are designed to enable established scientists to propose a subject that represents a break with their current research activities, while remaining scientifically active. They are open to established researchers who have achieved significant results in their last ten years of research.

Advanced grants are awarded for a period of 5 years, and the selection criteria are based on the scientific excellence of the project and the researcher behind it. This places them at a higher level of experience than the ERC Starting Grants, which are aimed at project leaders who obtained their doctorate 2 to 7 years ago, and the ERC Consolidator Grants, which are aimed at researchers who obtained their doctorate 7 to 12 years ago.

Lauréats Advanced Grants 2023 :

Portrait de Giovanni Forni

Giovanni Forni, researcher at the Laboratoire Analyse-Géométrie-Modélisation1 , for his project Beyond Renormalization in Parabolic Dynamics (BRen)

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Portrait d'Emmanuel Grenier

Emmanuel Grenier, professor at the Unité de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées2 , for his project Prandtl

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Portrait de Gabriel Peyré

Gabriel Peyré, CNRS researcher at the Département de mathématiques et applications3 , fors his project Wasserstein FLOW Learning for multi-Omics (WOLF)

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Portrait de Jérémie Szeftel

Jérémie Szeftel, CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions4 , for his project Black Hole Stability (BlaHst)

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Portrait d'Anton Zurich

Anton Zorich, professor at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche5 , for his project Phénomènes d'universalité en géométrie et dynamique des espaces de modules (UniGeoDyM)

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To go further :

  • 1UMR8088 - CNRS/CY Cergy Paris Université
  • 2UMR5669 - CNRS/ENS Lyon
  • 3UMR8553 - CNRS/École Normale Supérieur - PSL
  • 4UMR7598 - CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université Paris Cité
  • 5UMR7586 - CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université Paris Cité